life of lists
hosted by derrick sier
Life of Lists is a podcast based on the Life of Lists book and focused on unearthing the small things in our big stories. If we can create frequent lists of gratitude, I honestly believe we would shift from being destination-focused to being positively obsessed with the wonderful, unique and individual gift of the journey.
Over the last 20 years, Derrick’s passion for social and group dynamics has reached every area of his life. Using his B.S. in Kinesiology (Recreation Management), M.A. in Theological Studies, 20+ years of community and culture experience in the education and corporate settings, and his most recent work with Paradigm Shift Leadership, Derrick shares his love for people and the betterment of the environments in which they connect around the world. Those who encounter Derrick for any extended period of time will soon discover his passion for justice and equity, his desire to listen and for others to be heard, his love for his wife of 20 years and two teenage children, and his generosity manifested through genuine connection, laughs and hugs.
life of lists
with your host, derrick sier